|1| Night ☄️

Khas The Kabhi Ham Bhi

Kisi Ki Nazron Mein Ghalib, Magar Nazron Ke Taqaze

Badalne Mein Der Kahan Lagti Hai...

~ soniya.A


Shalini's room felt stifling with tension as they all gathered there."Sagai toh krva di humne tere kehne par raj lekin kya voh ladki hamare taur tarike samajh payegi," ( We agreed to the engagement because of you, Raj, but can that girl understand our customs? )

Raj sat on the edge of his seat, his brow furrowed and his hands clenched into tight fists in his lap. His mother's relentless nagging about his marriage grated on his nerves, each word hitting him like a blow.

Finally, unable to contain his emotions any longer, he rose from his chair, his eyes flashing with anger, "Mom, I'm done with this," he declared before storming out of the room, the door slammed shut behind him with a resounding thud, the sound reverberating through the house like a thunderclap.

Shalini watched him go, her grip tightening on the bedsheets in frustration,"Naa maabaap hai na paisa hai us ladki ke pass," (She doesn't have parents or money ) she muttered,her unspoken fears and expectations palpable in the tense atmosphere.


"Mishti, where are you?" he reached Mishti's room and flung open the door, only to find it empty. A surge of irritation coursed through him, His jaw was set in a stubborn line, his fists clenched at his sides as he fought to control the seething anger threatening to consume him.

He searched everywhere but didn't find her, and his temper rising with each passing second. With a frustrated growl, he grabbed a nearby flask, his knuckles turning white as he prepared to hurl it across the room in a fit of rage.

But before he could release his grip, a sweet and familiar voice drifted out from the bathroom, "Raj...kya Murge k jaise subh subh chilla rahe ho ruko naa aa rahi hu mai" (Raj....why are you screaming like a rooster this early morning...wait, I am coming). His tense expression softened at the sound, and a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he waited for her to emerge,not forgetting to close the main door and he set the flask down with a sigh of relief.

As Mishti emerged from the bathroom, her presence filled the room with warmth and light, her pink kurti and blue jeans a vibrant contrast to the dullness of his anger. Raj's gaze softened as she approached, his heart skipping a beat at the sight of her.

Slowly, he rose from his seat and approached her, his movements cautious yet determined. Mishti's breath caught in her throat as he drew near, her unease palpable in the way she shifted slightly on her feet.

Raj's gaze lingered on Mishti's face, his heart pounding in his chest as he took in every detail. He reached out a hand, his fingers trembling slightly as he brushed a stray lock of hair from her cheek. Their eyes met

"R...Raj, what happened?" Mishti's voice trembled slightly as she stammered out the question, her eyes searching his face for answers.

In response,Raj gently encircled her waist, drawing her close with a tender yet possessive hold. Mishti's breath hitched in her throat at the sudden closeness, her hands instinctively gripping his shoulders for support.

"Bas mood kharab hai" (just my mood is not good), Raj murmured softly, his voice laced with vulnerability as he confessed to his inner turmoil.

Feeling uneasy, Mishti gently freed herself from his embrace, stepping back towards the mirror. Her hands shook as she tried to regain composure, her reflection offering a brief pause from the intensity of the moment. "Tell me what happened?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Feeling uneasy, Raj approached her from behind, his presence reflected in the mirror before them. Their eyes met in the reflection, conveying a wordless exchange charged with emotion

"Why are you so beautiful, Mishti?"Raj's voice was soft, almost breathless, as he gently touched Mishti's shoulder, his eyes filled with desire and admiration. He traced the curve of her shoulder with his fingers, a flicker of longing evident in his gaze.

With a slow, deliberate movement, Raj brushed aside Mishti's hair, allowing it to cascade down her shoulder, framing her delicate features in a soft glow.

But before he could proceed further, Mishti pushed him away suddenly, causing him to stumble backward and fall onto the bed with a heavy thud. Surprise and frustration flashed across Raj's face as he tried to comprehend her actions, his heart racing with confusion and disbelief.

"What is this behavior, Mishti?" Raj's voice was filled with emotion, his anger barely concealed as he struggled to maintain his composure. His fists clenched at his sides, his jaw set in a determined line as he confronted her resistance.

But Mishti stood strong, her eyes filled with anger as she met his gaze head-on. "Raj...listen ye sab galat hai" (Raj...listen, this is wrong). she stated firmly, her voice shaking with suppressed emotion. Her words carried a request for understanding, revealing the turmoil within her heart.

Raj's grip tightened around her,"Are meri jaan isme ab kya galat hai...shaadi hone wali hai hamari" ( But my love, what's wrong in this... we are getting married). he said, his voice edged with desperation.

Yet Mishti's determined stare cut through his resolve, her eyes flashing with unchecked anger. "Hone wali hai...hui toh nahi hai naa..." (going to happen... but it hasn't happened yet), she countered sharply, asserting her independence and agency.

"You..." As Raj stood up, frustration evident in his movements, he reached out to her once more, his hand grasping her shoulder urgently. But Mishti resisted, her body stiffening against his touch as she pushed back against his attempts to draw her closer.

In a moment of intense anger, Raj's hand instinctively went up, ready to slap the woman he loved. But as his palm stayed in the air, hesitation crossed his face briefly. His inner struggle fought against the urge to act violently.

With a pained cry, Raj stepped back from Mishti, burdened by shame and regret. He knew that staying longer would only cause more pain, and he couldn't bear to hurt her further.

With a heavy heart, Raj turned and left the room, his footsteps echoing in the silence. Alone in the wake of their confrontation, Mishti slumped with exhaustion, her breaths heavy and uneven.


Mishti refused to let tears fall, her determination evident as she approached the mirror for her morning routine. "Iska toh ye hamesha ka hai...thoda ruk nahi sakta shaadi toh hone do" (He's always like this...can't wait, let the wedding happen). she muttered, her voice colored with resignation. With steady hands, she applied her cream, each stroke reflecting her unwavering determination.

Sitting on the edge of her bed, Mishti picked up their engagement album, her fingers delicately tracing the edges of the photographs. As she flipped through the pages, her eyes softened, and a tender smile played on her lips.

"Raj....I can't believe we are going to marry....I can't believe that I am going to marry my love, the one and only. I am so lucky to have you."she whispered softly, her voice barely audible. Each picture held a special moment, and she lingered over each one, lost in the memories they held.

Haan, kabhi-kabhi tumhari harkate mujhe pareshaan jaroor karti hain lekin bas shaadi tak ruk jao" (Yeah, sometimes your behavior annoys me, but just wait until the wedding), Mishti remarked, a warm flush spreading across her cheeks with anticipation. Her mind wandered to their upcoming wedding night, and she couldn't help but blush at the thought.

Lost in her thoughts, Mishti was brought back to reality by the persistent ringing of her phone. Letting out a sigh, she reached for the device, the loud sound cutting through the quiet of the room. Answering the call, she heard her best friend Riya's excited voice on the other end, buzzing with anticipation for the wedding preparations.

"Hello...Mishti kaha hai, teri shaadi ki kitni saari shopping karni hai mujhe" (Hello...Mishti, where are you? I have so much shopping to do for your wedding ), Riya exclaimed eagerly, her excitement evident in every word. Mishti couldn't help but smile at her friend's enthusiasm, even as she held the phone slightly away from her ear to soften the volume.

"I am ready...where are you?" Mishti replied, a mix of excitement and nerves evident in her voice.

"On the way, coming to pick you up," Riya declared, and they hung up, leaving Mishti to ponder the impending shopping trip.

Before she could prepare to leave, Mishti was startled by a sharp voice slicing through the air. She looked up to find her future mother-in-law, Shalini, standing before her, casting a shadow over Mishti's plans.

"Tum aaj kahi nahi ja rahi ho" (You're not going anywhere today.) Shalini said firmly, her tone leaving no room for argument. Mishti's heart sank as she realized her outing with Riya was canceled.

But Shalini's sternness softened quickly, replaced by a forced sweetness as she explained her decision. "I mean...Raj's brother is coming, specially to meet his brother's wife, so stay at home." she said, her words dripping with manipulation.

Mishti nodded in agreement, her disappointment evident as she watched Shalini exit the room.

As Shalini departed, she muttered under her breath, her words carrying a hint of bitterness, "Hamare hi paiso se shopping krogi agar krogi toh" (You are going to shop with our money ) With a sigh, she headed downstairs.

After some time, Riya's arrival brought a welcome break from the solitude of Mishti's room. As they sat together, sipping juice.

"Kya yaar...kuch ghanto me vapis aa jate" (What is this yaar...we will come back after a few hours), Riya said, her frustration evident as she lamented the missed shopping opportunity.

"Let it be...his brother is coming, that's why,"Mishti replied with resignation, accepting the restrictions imposed by her future in-laws.

"Toh kya kahika pm hai shaadi ke liye aara hai naa, yahi toh rahega" (So what, is he the prime minister? He's coming for the wedding and going to stay here only), Riya's frustration boiled over, her annoyance barely contained as she vented about the situation. The cancellation of their shopping plans hit a nerve, and she didn't bother hiding her displeasure.

Ignoring Riya's outburst, Mishti shifted the conversation to something more serious. "Ye sab janede tujhe pata hai aaj subh kya hua" (Ignore all this, you know what happened this morning), she said softly, her voice carrying a hint of sadness as she recounted the events.

"I just don't like this Raj, he gives me weird vibes, Mishti," Riya expressed her concern, her worry evident in her tone as she voiced her doubts about Mishti's fiancé.

But Mishti remained unwavering in her belief in Raj, defending him with confidence. "No, Riya, he is a good man." she insisted, her voice strong as she sought to reassure her friend.

"If he were bad, why would he be with me after all these years? We've been lovers since school, then college, and now we are getting married. He is the one for me, Riya. If not him, then who, tell me?"

Riya was momentarily silenced by Mishti's passionate defense of Raj, her doubts momentarily pushed aside by her friend's strong belief. Despite Mishti's confidence, however, a lingering unease remained in Riya's heart, a persistent sense of distrust that refused to fade.

She knew Raj always supported and loved Mishti, regardless of her background. Raj, being the son of India's top businessman, and Mishti, an orphan who lost her parents after school, had starkly different upbringings. Mishti had been working odd jobs to pay for her college fees. Yet, despite these differences, Raj was marrying her.

"I don't know, yaar." Riya finally admitted, her voice tinged with uncertainty  "It's just that I don't trust rich boys."

And with that, the conversation continued...


In the dimly lit club, Raj found comfort in the familiar taste of his drink, the amber liquid offering a brief escape from his thoughts. Lost in his own world, he barely noticed the people around him until he felt a gentle touch on his shoulder.

Turning, he saw Tina's warm smile. Despite the alcohol clouding his senses, he managed a faint smile back, inviting her to sit with him.

"Tina...what are you doing here?" he asked, his words slightly slurred from the alcohol.

But Tina's playful demeanor didn't hide her concern. "First, you tell me why you're celebrating your wedding alone,"she said, her tone carrying a hint of worry as she made a subtle gesture with her hand.

Raj's reply was abrupt, his attention drifting back to his drink as he brushed off Tina's question with a wave of his hand. "Don't ask me, Tina... I am not celebrating," he muttered bitterly, taking another sip.

Not giving up, Tina leaned in closer, concern evident in her eyes as she searched his face for answers. "What happened, Raj? I am your friend; you can tell me, right?" she urged softly, her touch gentle as she reached out to cup his face.

The weight of his emotions pressed heavily on Raj, his drunken haze offering little relief from the turmoil inside. "Why she never lets me come near her? It's been years we are together, still, she doesn't trust me."he confessed, his words slurred and tinged with anguish.

Tina's response caught him off guard, her smirk betraying a hint of skepticism as she offered her own perspective.  "Maybe yes, she didn't trust you," she suggested cryptically, meeting Raj's gaze with a knowing look.

Caught by surprise by Tina's sudden change in behavior, Raj could only stare in confusion as she backed away, leaving him to wrestle with the troubling meaning behind her words.

As Raj struggled to steady himself, his drunken movements betrayed the effects of the alcohol. He stumbled, nearly falling, but Tina quickly caught him. In the process, his hand accidentally brushed against her chest, causing her top to open.

Ignoring her open top, Tina helped him stand up properly.

"Tina, I am sorry about your top." Apologizing, Raj hugged Tina tightly, trying to shield her from any embarrassment.

"Raj, it's dark here; no one can see. It's fine,"she assured him, her tone dismissive as she brushed off his apology.

Despite Tina's reassurance, Raj felt a pang of guilt, his conscience urging him to make things right. "No, Tina, it's not right," he insisted  that it wasn't appropriate, he draped his jacket around her shoulders, a gesture of decency to fix his mistake.

Feeling nauseous, Raj rushed to the washroom, his mind filled with worry about what had just happened. Despite his protests, Tina followed him inside

"Hey...you go. I was just feeling like vomiting; it's not like I am going to vomit here,"Raj tried to explain that he just needed to vomit, However, he was surprised when Tina locked the door behind them and took off his jacket, which she was wearing

Raj's eyes widened. "Tina... it's not dark here, you know," Raj's voice trembled with apprehension as his eyes still on her visible skin.

In the small space, Tina's advances became more obvious, tempting Raj to give in to desire."Do you want me to go?" she murmured, her touch sending shivers down his spine as she removing his tie while his eyes remained fixed on her exposed area.

"Yes," he replied, still not averting his gaze.

"But your eyes are saying the opposite." She looked into his eyes, placed his hands on her hips, and he met her gaze.

She wrapped her hands around his neck With a knowing smile, "I know, Raj, what you want, and I can give you all you know."she whispered seductively.

She then leaned towards him, placed her lips on his, his lips meeting Tina's in a fervent kiss that ignited a fiery passion between them. With reckless abandon, he surrendered to the intoxicating pull of desire, He grabbed her, deepened the kiss, and placed her on the platform.

Tina was wearing a pink dress that reached down to her thighs. Raj felt a surge of arousal. With urgency, Raj removed Tina's undergarments and quickly undid his own pants.


their movements matching the beat of the music.


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